Efficient Fintech Solutions Private Limited - Privacy Policy

Last updated on:
July 15, 2024

This Efficient Capital Labs Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) provides You (defined below) with details about the manner in which Your (defined below) data is collected, processed, stored, & used by Us (defined below). You are advised to read this Privacy Policy carefully. By registering on the App (defined below) and consenting to this Privacy Policy using any medium: website, web app, mobile site, or otherwise, You permit Us to use & disclose Your Personal Information (defined below) in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If You do not agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy, please do not use or access the App.

“Personal Information” of a person means any information that relates to a natural person which either directly or indirectly, in combination with other information available or likely to be available with Us, is capable of identifying such person and includes (wherever appropriate and/or mandated under applicable laws) personal information categorized as sensitive personal data or information under the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules 2011 as below:

  • Password;
  • Financial information such as Bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details;
  • Financial information such as Bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details;
  • Financial information such as Bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details;
  • Physical, physiological, and mental health condition;
  • Sexual orientation;
  • Medical records and history;
  • Biometric information;
  • Any detail relating to the above clauses as provided to the body corporate for providing service; and
  • Any of the information received under the above clauses by the body corporate for processing, stored or processed under lawful contract or otherwise.

Sensitive personal data or information that is freely available, accessible in the public domain, or available under the Right to Information Act 2005 is excluded from the scope of this definition.

Note: Our Privacy Policy may change at any time without prior notification. To make sure that You are aware of any changes, kindly review this Privacy Policy periodically. This Privacy Policy shall apply uniformly to Efficient Capital Labs’ website, mobile site, web/desktop plugins, and mobile applications hosted at www.ecaplabs.com (“App”).

Throughout this Privacy Policy, the capitalized terms "Efficient Capital Labs," "We," "Us," and "Our" refer to Efficient Fintech Solutions Private Limited, its affiliates, and assigns, and the terms “User,” “You,” “Your,” and “Yourself” refer to the users of the App whose Personal Information is being collected in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. Efficient Capital Labs is providing this Privacy Policy to familiarize you with:


This Privacy Policy applies to all forms of Personal Information, physical and digital, whether collected or stored electronically or in hardcopy.

We handle data in our own right and for and on behalf of the Users.

If at any time a User provides data or other information about someone other than himself, herself, or itself, the User warrants that it has that person’s consent to provide such information for the purpose specified.

The App should not be used or accessed by minors (persons under the age of 18 years).

By registering on the App, You are accepting this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and subject to the terms of use governing access and use of the App (hosted at www.ecaplabs.com/tnc) (“Terms of Use”).


When You use the App, We collect and store Your Personal Information which is provided by You from time to time. This allows Us to provide services and features that most likely meet Your needs and to customize the App to meet your requirements and make Your experience safer and easier. We collect Personal Information from You that We consider necessary for achieving this purpose.

Efficient Capital Labs respects the privacy of its Users and is committed to protect such privacy as detailed herein. You may encounter “Cookies” or other similar devices on a web page. These are data collection devices to help analyze Our web flow and measure promotional effectiveness. “Cookies” are small files placed on Your hard drive that assist Efficient Capital Labs in providing services to You and giving You information targeted to Your interests. Most cookies are session cookies, meaning that they are automatically deleted from Your hard drive at the end of a session. You are always free to decline a cookie if Your browser permits.

Once you create an account (register) on the App and give Us Your Personal Information, You are not anonymous to Us. Wherever possible, We indicate which fields are required and which fields are optional. If You are unable to provide the information We need, We may not be able to provide You with the product or service You have requested.


In order to determine Your eligibility and enable the products/services offered on the App for You, We collect and process certain categories of Personal Information belonging to You including the following:

  • Personal information like date of birth, age, marital status, birthplace, nationality, mother tongue.
  • Contact information (e.g., name, address, telephone, and email address).
  • Government-issued identifiers including PAN and GST information.
  • Financial information including bank account details, credit/debit card details, billing information, tax information, credit bureau reports, and payroll information (as applicable);
  • Photographs and signature copies.
  • Information which would help determine Your eligibility to avail the services offered on the App.
  • Any other information that Efficient Fintech Solutions Private Limited is required to collect as per specific mandate from any bank, NBFC, or as a requirement under applicable law, regulation, rule, or statute in India.

In addition to the above, for the mobile version of the App, We may collect any other authorization or information that enables Efficient Fintech Solutions Private Limited to provide a smooth mobile experience, including but not limited to: SMS access for auto OTP verification. We may take a one-time access for the User’s camera/gallery/contacts or any other facility necessary for the purpose of on-boarding/Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements.


Efficient Capital Labs offers the App services as a technology aggregator. In view of this, disclosure of Your information may be required by Us to provide You access to Our services, to comply with Our legal obligations, to prevent, detect, mitigate, and investigate fraudulent or illegal activities related to Our services.

We have partnered with certain vendors as listed below for the purpose of KYC verification and User authentication on the App. We may use their assistance on a case-to-case basis and as per the services availed by the User on the App.

  1. Karza Technologies Private Limited
    • To access Your Aadhaar Information (defined below) from Unique Identification Authority of India (“UIDAI”) to fetch and verify information regarding Aadhaar Number, Aadhaar XML, Virtual ID, e-Aadhaar, Masked Aadhaar, Aadhaar details, demographic information, identity information, Aadhaar registered mobile number, face authentication details, and/or biometric information (collectively referred to as “Aadhaar Information”).
    • To search for Your detailed Permanent Account Number (PAN) information and authentication.
    • To search for Your Goods and Service Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) information and authentication.
    • To fetch your historical GST and ITR Filings
    • To search and download the User KYC information from the Central KYC (CKYC).
    • To check and verify the User’s UDYAM registration.
    • To check and verify User’s name similarity and face matching with User’s KYC information.

We do not disclose Your Personal Information to third parties except in accordance with the terms contained herein.

We may disclose Personal Information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process.

We may disclose Personal Information to law enforcement offices, third party rights owners, or others in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to: enforce the Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy; respond to claims that an advertisement, posting, or other content violates the rights of a third party; or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Our users or the general public.

We may disclose Personal Information to third parties who work on Our behalf, provided that such third parties adhere to the confidentiality obligations consistent with this Privacy Policy. These third parties are authorized to use Your Personal Information only as necessary to provide the App services requested or availed by You. These services may include providing cloud computing infrastructure, App crash reporting, App usage pattern so that We can serve You better, and providing customer support or account administration.


We will retain Your information for as long as Your account is active or as needed to provide the App services. We shall retain and use the information collected by Us as necessary to comply with Our legal obligations, resolve disputes, or for other business purposes. If You cancel/deactivate/unsubscribe Your account with Us, We are not under any obligation to retain Your information. Without prejudice, We may retain Your information for twelve (12) months after You cancel/deactivate/unsubscribe Your account with Us to ensure compliance with applicable laws.


You are aware of all security risks, including possible third-party interception of any of Your transactions and statements of account on the internet, and the content of Your transactions or statements of account becoming known to third parties. You agree and undertake that You shall not hold Efficient Capital Labs liable therefore in any way. The use and storage of any information, including without limitation the credit card number, PIN, password, account information, transaction activity, account balances, and any other information available or stored on Your Device, is at Your own risk and responsibility. You furthermore acknowledge and accept that Efficient Capital Labs may not encrypt all content or communications from and to Your website(s).


You have the right to withdraw Your consent at any time in writing by sending an e-mail to Us at grievances@ecaplabs.com in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. However, please note that withdrawal of consent will not be retrospective in nature and shall be applicable prospectively.

You may write to Us at grievances@ecaplabs.com to access, review, modify, or correct Your sensitive personal data or information or withdraw Your consent to provide sensitive personal data or information. We are not responsible for the authenticity of the information provided by You. You agree and acknowledge that Your right to access, modify, and/or withdraw Your consent to provide sensitive personal data or information as mentioned above may be denied or limited by Us as may be required under any applicable law, law enforcement requests, or under any judicial proceedings.


Links to third-party advertisements, third-party websites, or any third-party electronic communication service which are operated by third parties may be provided on the App. Such links may not be controlled by or affiliated to or associated with Efficient Capital Labs unless otherwise expressly specified on the App.

Efficient Capital Labs is not responsible for any form of transmission whatsoever received by You from any third-party website. Accordingly, Efficient Capital Labs does not make any representations concerning the privacy practices or policies of such third parties or terms of use of such third-party websites, nor does Efficient Capital Labs control or guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of the information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, messages, or other materials available on such third-party websites. The inclusion or exclusion does not imply any endorsement by Efficient Capital Labs of the third-party websites, the website's provider, or the information on the third-party website. The information provided by You to such third-party websites shall be governed in accordance with the privacy policies of such third-party websites, and it is recommended that You review the privacy policy of such third-party websites prior to using such websites.


You hereby agree that the application and copies of all documents submitted by You, to the extent permitted under applicable law, are and shall remain the property of Efficient Capital Labs, and Efficient Capital Labs shall not be obliged to return the same to You upon Your request. Any unauthorized access to the App is a breach of these terms and a violation of the law. You agree not to access the App by any means other than through the interface that is provided by Efficient Capital Labs.

You hereby acknowledge and agree that this Privacy Policy:

  • Is clear and easily accessible and provides statements of policies and practices Efficient Capital Labs with respect to information security; and
  • Provides for the various types of personal or sensitive personal data of information to be collected; and
  • Provides for the purposes of collection and usage of the information; and
  • Provides for disclosure of information; and
  • Provides for reasonable security practices and procedures.

If you have any questions in respect of this Privacy Policy, you may write to the Grievance Officer appointed under the Act:

Grievance Officer -

Akshi Sood

Efficient Fintech Solutions Private Limited
WeWork Galaxy 43
Residency Road Bengaluru, KA, India - 560025
Email: grievances@ecaplabs.com
Tel: +91 – 7065937123

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